"Firefly" Stem Cells may help Repair Damaged Hearts
University of Central Florida
Science Daily
"Firefly" stems cells were created to help doctors monitor the activity of the stem cells. According to Steve Ebert, the scientist who engineered the firefly cells, they got their name because they grow brighter and brighter if they are working. These stem cells are currently being used to help heal hearts. They are very helpful because the doctor doesn't have to cut open the chest to monitor the activity. Instead you can tell how the cells are working by using a special light. Overall Firefly stem cells could help save many lives and be an important part of stem cell research.
In a way this connects with what we are studying in class. The scientists who developed firefly stem cells combined many chemicals to make them glow brighter under a light without harming the patient. Firefly stem cell could have a very important roll in modern science. If this works, then more people's lives will be saved because stem cells could help heal organs. Scientists still don't know why stem cells morph into organs, but because of this new technology they can now watch the firefly cells in action so they can better understand how they work. Overall firefly stem cells could help save many lives.
This article was written by the University of Central Florida so the information is valid. While the article is very interesting it still leaves you with a few questions. How do they monitor the stem cell without cutting the person open? Are they able to see through their skin or do they have to use a MRI or X-ray? Also it is very possible this new discovery could have some side affects, but so far they have not shown. Could Firefly stem cells also be used to heal diseases or other organs? Overall Firefly stem cells are a new technology that is still being developed and studied.
I chose this article because I find stem cells to be very interesting and could help save many live. One day stem cells could help sick patients grow a new organ, repair damaged tissues, or even grow a new joint. I agree with the authors, I think Firefly stem cell could be a major discovery and make it possible to monitor and study the effect stem cells have on human beings. Overall, firefly stem cells could help increase our understanding of stem cells and be an important advancement in the medical industry.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Silver Gloggster
Overall, silver is a very use full metal that can be used in new technology. The chemical compounds that silver can make are very important and are major contributions to industry. Besides industry silver is also used in money, military, and electricity. Silver also is helping the environment by helping to create an alternative energy source. In conclusion, silver is a very important metal that has many uses.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Facts about Water
20 Things you don't know about water by Rebecca Coffeyhttp://discovermagazine.com/2010/may/20-things-you-didn.t-know-about-water
1.) I found it really interesting that scientists found water under the ocean floor and think there may be more water under the oceans than in it. This could help humans obtain more water if the water turns out to be fresh. Also, there could be new organisms in the water under the ocean and could help make important scientific discoveries and further our understanding of the environment.
2.) I didn't know that watering plants during they day could actually harm them. Water droplets on the leaves focus the suns rays and cause the plants to burn. This knowledge could help farmers grow more crops and therefore help produce more food for the worlds population.
3.) Some Scientists think comets brought the first water to the solar system. This could mean that 4.5 billion there were other life forms living on the comets. Also, this information implies that it is very possible for other life to exist in the universe.
4.) The water recovery system on the international space station could help us conserve water. If you recycle water, it would help conserve all of the water we have, as well as decreasing the amount of pollution. Also, we wouldn't wast nearly as much water as we do now if we reused it. Although it may seem disgusting, recycling water could help save the planet.
5.) I was shocked to read that before 2009 it was not against the law to sell bottled water that contained ecoli. Until a year ago the companies that bottle and sell water did not bother checking for the deadly disease. It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of our water.
Information from other websites.
1.) Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This means that there are lost of chemicals nutrients, and minerals in water. This can be either good or bad. It there is a perfect amount of nutrients in water than ecosystems can thrive. On the otherhand, if the water has too many nutrients this can cause serious environmental problems such as alge blooms. Chemicals from factories or farms also can harm ecosystems and leave negetive effects on our environment. (20 interesting and useful water facts. http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html)
2.) On January 1, 2013 the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) will be enforced in Canada. This act assures Canadian citizens that their drinking water will be clean and disease free. It is very important because humans must drink water to survive, but if the water is polluted and carrys diseases than it could end up killing someone. (Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_02s32_e.htm)
3.) On March 22 the world celebrates world water day. This holiday was created after the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. World water day is important because it creates awareness of all of the pollution and other problems that affect water. If the world knew more about what may happen if we don't stop wasting water they would make more of an effort to help concerve and protect our worlds water sources. (World Water Day Help Make a Diffrence http://www.worldwaterday.org/page/135)
4.) According to the United Nations in 2025 forty-eight nations will face scarce supplies of water. This is not good, right now many people don't even have enough water. If we continue polluting water with hazardus chemicals and waste the world could face a water shortage. Overall we need to save water now to help the world survive. (Water Facts http://water.org/learn-about-the-water-crisis/facts/)
5.) The earhs atmosphere contains about 13,000 cube killometers of water. This water can be used to create humidity and clouds. This proves that not all water is found on or in the ground, but also in the air. If we continue releasing greenhouse gasses this pollutes the air and causes acid rain. (UN Water Statistics Graphs and Maps http://www.unwater.org/statistics_res.html)
Overall water is a precious and usefull resource and should not be wasted.
1.) I found it really interesting that scientists found water under the ocean floor and think there may be more water under the oceans than in it. This could help humans obtain more water if the water turns out to be fresh. Also, there could be new organisms in the water under the ocean and could help make important scientific discoveries and further our understanding of the environment.
2.) I didn't know that watering plants during they day could actually harm them. Water droplets on the leaves focus the suns rays and cause the plants to burn. This knowledge could help farmers grow more crops and therefore help produce more food for the worlds population.
3.) Some Scientists think comets brought the first water to the solar system. This could mean that 4.5 billion there were other life forms living on the comets. Also, this information implies that it is very possible for other life to exist in the universe.
4.) The water recovery system on the international space station could help us conserve water. If you recycle water, it would help conserve all of the water we have, as well as decreasing the amount of pollution. Also, we wouldn't wast nearly as much water as we do now if we reused it. Although it may seem disgusting, recycling water could help save the planet.
5.) I was shocked to read that before 2009 it was not against the law to sell bottled water that contained ecoli. Until a year ago the companies that bottle and sell water did not bother checking for the deadly disease. It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of our water.
Information from other websites.
1.) Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This means that there are lost of chemicals nutrients, and minerals in water. This can be either good or bad. It there is a perfect amount of nutrients in water than ecosystems can thrive. On the otherhand, if the water has too many nutrients this can cause serious environmental problems such as alge blooms. Chemicals from factories or farms also can harm ecosystems and leave negetive effects on our environment. (20 interesting and useful water facts. http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html)
2.) On January 1, 2013 the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) will be enforced in Canada. This act assures Canadian citizens that their drinking water will be clean and disease free. It is very important because humans must drink water to survive, but if the water is polluted and carrys diseases than it could end up killing someone. (Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_02s32_e.htm)
3.) On March 22 the world celebrates world water day. This holiday was created after the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. World water day is important because it creates awareness of all of the pollution and other problems that affect water. If the world knew more about what may happen if we don't stop wasting water they would make more of an effort to help concerve and protect our worlds water sources. (World Water Day Help Make a Diffrence http://www.worldwaterday.org/page/135)
4.) According to the United Nations in 2025 forty-eight nations will face scarce supplies of water. This is not good, right now many people don't even have enough water. If we continue polluting water with hazardus chemicals and waste the world could face a water shortage. Overall we need to save water now to help the world survive. (Water Facts http://water.org/learn-about-the-water-crisis/facts/)
5.) The earhs atmosphere contains about 13,000 cube killometers of water. This water can be used to create humidity and clouds. This proves that not all water is found on or in the ground, but also in the air. If we continue releasing greenhouse gasses this pollutes the air and causes acid rain. (UN Water Statistics Graphs and Maps http://www.unwater.org/statistics_res.html)
Overall water is a precious and usefull resource and should not be wasted.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Current Events: Dry Water
Dry Water could make a big Splash Commercially
by the American Chemical Society
According to The American Chemical Society dry water could help stop global warming, make an alternative energy source, transport chemicals, and be used in industry. According to Dr. Andrew Cooper who is in charge of new research dry water is a powder that is 95% water and 2% silica and it got its name because even though it is mostly made up of water the substance is a dry powder. Scientists have discovered that dry water absorbers more carbon dioxided, which is one of the main causes of global warming. Dry water can also be used to speed up chemical reactions, which would help produce consumer goods faster. Also, dry water is ideal for transporting chemicals such as carbon dioxide and methane. Overall scientists have discovered many new uses for dry water.
There are many ways dry water connects to what we are studying in class. Dry water can be used to speed up chemical reactions and remove greenhouse gasses from the ozone, which would affect the environment and aquatic ecosystems. Also, dry water is a chemical compound that can prevent gasses from escaping if they are contained in dry water. Dry water affects society because it is making if easier and faster for facotries to manufacture items and transport hazardus chemicals. Also, dry water can help prevent global warming. This would be a great help to society because there wouldn't be as many tropical storms and unusual weather patters, as well as help preventing droughts. All in all, I think dry water is a very usefull substance.
Event though this artical was very interesting I still have a few questions about dry water. I still don't understand how dry water can be used to contain chemicals. Do they add water to the powder to make it sturdy ot add some other chemicals so it can contain gasses without releasing any? Are their any negetive qualities of dry water and are their certin elements they would react with? Scientists at the American Chemical Society are still hard at work learning about all of the qualities of dry water.
I chose to read about dry water because it sounded interesting and was a new way of fighting global warming. The world is struggeling against greenhouse gasses, and dry water could help contain them and help heal the ozone. I learned a lot about how new chemicals could be used in industry and help saving the world and that dry water is a powder, even though it is 95% solid. It was interesting how dry water used to be used in cosmetics and now it is being used to contain chemicals and speed up reactions. Overall dry water is a very intersting substance that could help save the world.
by the American Chemical Society
According to The American Chemical Society dry water could help stop global warming, make an alternative energy source, transport chemicals, and be used in industry. According to Dr. Andrew Cooper who is in charge of new research dry water is a powder that is 95% water and 2% silica and it got its name because even though it is mostly made up of water the substance is a dry powder. Scientists have discovered that dry water absorbers more carbon dioxided, which is one of the main causes of global warming. Dry water can also be used to speed up chemical reactions, which would help produce consumer goods faster. Also, dry water is ideal for transporting chemicals such as carbon dioxide and methane. Overall scientists have discovered many new uses for dry water.
There are many ways dry water connects to what we are studying in class. Dry water can be used to speed up chemical reactions and remove greenhouse gasses from the ozone, which would affect the environment and aquatic ecosystems. Also, dry water is a chemical compound that can prevent gasses from escaping if they are contained in dry water. Dry water affects society because it is making if easier and faster for facotries to manufacture items and transport hazardus chemicals. Also, dry water can help prevent global warming. This would be a great help to society because there wouldn't be as many tropical storms and unusual weather patters, as well as help preventing droughts. All in all, I think dry water is a very usefull substance.
Event though this artical was very interesting I still have a few questions about dry water. I still don't understand how dry water can be used to contain chemicals. Do they add water to the powder to make it sturdy ot add some other chemicals so it can contain gasses without releasing any? Are their any negetive qualities of dry water and are their certin elements they would react with? Scientists at the American Chemical Society are still hard at work learning about all of the qualities of dry water.
I chose to read about dry water because it sounded interesting and was a new way of fighting global warming. The world is struggeling against greenhouse gasses, and dry water could help contain them and help heal the ozone. I learned a lot about how new chemicals could be used in industry and help saving the world and that dry water is a powder, even though it is 95% solid. It was interesting how dry water used to be used in cosmetics and now it is being used to contain chemicals and speed up reactions. Overall dry water is a very intersting substance that could help save the world.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ohio has many rivers and lakes including Lake Erie and the Ohio river. In total Ohio has 1,050 dams, many are along the Ohio river which flows through Ohio, West Virginia,Indiana, Kentucky Illinois, and Pennsylvania. A major source of water is the O'Shaughnessy reservoir and is also used to produce electricity. There are many industries that dispose of waste in the Ohio river. Most of the pollution is caused by animal waste and chemicals from farms contaminating the water. Lake Erie borders northern Ohio and there are many smaller lakes all over Ohio as well as a lot of water underground. All of the runoff drains into the Ohio River Basin.To get water to the houses the water is first cleaned then sent through pipes to the houses. Overall Ohio has many water resources including lakes and rivers.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Evidence of a Chemical Reaction
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because it changes color and there is smoke.
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because there is fire and smoke.
You can tell this was a chemical reaction because there are sparks.
You know this is a chemical reaction because the liquid catches fire and then there is an explosion.
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because there is lots of steam.
You know this is a chemical reaction because the liquid bubbles and changes color.
This is a chemical reaction because there is fire and smoke.
You can tell this is chemical reaction because the color changes and the chemicals
Watching the videos I have noticed that the reactions stop after awhile when some of chemicals have spilled over the edge. During the reactions the color changes and there is smoke. In order to guess what chemicals are mixed you should see if it expoded or there was any smoke.
chemical reaction (Sorry I couldn't remember how to get it to show up on the page).
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because it changes color and there is smoke.
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because there is fire and smoke.
You can tell this was a chemical reaction because there are sparks.
You know this is a chemical reaction because the liquid catches fire and then there is an explosion.
You can tell this is a chemical reaction because there is lots of steam.
You know this is a chemical reaction because the liquid bubbles and changes color.
This is a chemical reaction because there is fire and smoke.
You can tell this is chemical reaction because the color changes and the chemicals
Watching the videos I have noticed that the reactions stop after awhile when some of chemicals have spilled over the edge. During the reactions the color changes and there is smoke. In order to guess what chemicals are mixed you should see if it expoded or there was any smoke.
chemical reaction (Sorry I couldn't remember how to get it to show up on the page).
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Todays Lesson
Though todays lesson was confusing, I now understand it. You combine atoms to complete the number in the outermost ring and then you have a compound. I'm still a little confused about the rules for combing atoms (1,2,
-1,-2 etc.).
-1,-2 etc.).
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