Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Firework Video Reflection

In this video I learned a lot about how fireworks are made and what chemicals are used in them. For example copper oxide (CuO), strontium chloride(SrCl2), sodium silcate (Na2SiO3), calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), barium actate (Ba(C2H3O)2), Sulfer (S), and potassium nitrate(KNO3) are some of the chemicals used to create these fantastic displays.Since these chemicals are very dangerous, you should always wear safety goggles and use a location fuse so you can set reactions off from further away when you are working with especially dangerous chemicals. The capsules used to set of fireworks are especially designed so that when you light the fuse the fire will ignite the gun powder and then that sets off the delay fuse which lights some more black powder in the middle of the capsule, causing whatever chemicals you are using to create a fireworks display. When you are making a firework you need two things, an oxidizer like Strontium Nitrate and a fuel like charcoal or aluminum powder.The other chemicals used in fireworks are special compounds that cause a bright flame that you see when a firework goes off. The oxidizer and the fuel react to create heat which sets off the explosion. Fireworks are an example of a physical reaction. You can tell this because the chemicals are changing their molecular structure when they are exposed to fire and heat. Overall, this video was very interesting and I learned a lot about how fireworks are made and what chemicals are used in them.

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