Monday, January 10, 2011

pH lab reflection

As a lab my group decided to test the effect of the strength of Domestos (a base) when you added acidic lemon juice to it. I thought my group did a good job on planning and executing the experiment, we were very organized and our information was correct. Also, we the way we recorded information was very organized and it was easy to find any data or information we needed. This lab report improved greatly over my last one, this time I used the correct format witch ensured that all of the required information was there. In my opinion the data analysis was the easiest part of the lab to write because you have to piece together the information you have found and explain what it means. There are several things I could improve with my lab reports. First of all I need to pay closer attention and do a better job of explaining my thinking in the procedure and charts. Also, I need to always remember to have a ratio when diluting something. In conclusion, I am happy with the grade I got and really enjoyed working on this lab.

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