Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In science class this week we were asked to write a letter to ourselves, from twenty years in the future in 2031. We were basically asked to write our goals, ambitions, and where we can see ourselves when we are in our thirties. Goals can change, but some always stay. By learning to take care of ourselves we can reach our goals and be healthy. Here is my letter:
Dear Past Annie,
2031 is a magnificent year for me (or us?). After many years of hard work at university I got a PhD. Right now I am a Medical Researcher and am working in a lab trying to find new medicines and cures. It's a very interesting job, and I enjoy working on my studies. Also, I have not given up on writing and am currently working on a book. I'm married too. I won't tell you the name, that would just mess up the time/space continuum! I have moved around a bit and now I'm currently living in London, England. While my job might take me on frequent business trips, its always good to be back home. My family and I still keep in touch well and I still go back to visit them in America. As of right now, I do not have any kids, but might have some soon. I still love animals and have a pet dog. I'm very happy with where I'm at right now in my life, having reached all of my goals. See you later?
Future Annie

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