Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Current Events: Dry Water

Dry Water could make a big Splash Commercially
by the American Chemical Society

According to The American Chemical Society dry water could help stop global warming, make an alternative energy source, transport chemicals, and be used in industry. According to Dr. Andrew Cooper who is in charge of new research dry water is a powder that is 95% water and 2% silica and it got its name because even though it is mostly made up of water the substance is a dry powder. Scientists have discovered that dry water absorbers more carbon dioxided, which is one of the main causes of global warming. Dry water can also be used to speed up chemical reactions, which would help produce consumer goods faster. Also, dry water is ideal for transporting chemicals such as carbon dioxide and methane. Overall scientists have discovered many new uses for dry water.
There are many ways dry water connects to what we are studying in class. Dry water can be used to speed up chemical reactions and remove greenhouse gasses from the ozone, which would affect the environment and aquatic ecosystems. Also, dry water is a chemical compound that can prevent gasses from escaping if they are contained in dry water. Dry water affects society because it is making if easier and faster for facotries to manufacture items and transport hazardus chemicals. Also, dry water can help prevent global warming. This would be a great help to society because there wouldn't be as many tropical storms and unusual weather patters, as well as help preventing droughts. All in all, I think dry water is a very usefull substance.
Event though this artical was very interesting I still have a few questions about dry water. I still don't understand how dry water can be used to contain chemicals. Do they add water to the powder to make it sturdy ot add some other chemicals so it can contain gasses without releasing any? Are their any negetive qualities of dry water and are their certin elements they would react with? Scientists at the American Chemical Society are still hard at work learning about all of the qualities of dry water.
I chose to read about dry water because it sounded interesting and was a new way of fighting global warming. The world is struggeling against greenhouse gasses, and dry water could help contain them and help heal the ozone. I learned a lot about how new chemicals could be used in industry and help saving the world and that dry water is a powder, even though it is 95% solid. It was interesting how dry water used to be used in cosmetics and now it is being used to contain chemicals and speed up reactions. Overall dry water is  a very intersting substance that could help save the world.


  1. I cant believe that dry water can help contain the different gasses and that, just by that we can help heal our ozone! I also didnt know that dry water could be used in cosmetics, i mean we are actually putting that stuff on our face...hehe :D

  2. This seems like a very interesting substance. It is fascinating to learn that such substances exist today that can help fight greenhouse gases! If things like these exist it can help in fighting global warming, as well.
