Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Current Events: Firefly Stem Cells

"Firefly" Stem Cells may help Repair Damaged Hearts
University of Central Florida
Science Daily

"Firefly" stems cells were created to help doctors monitor the activity of the stem cells. According to Steve Ebert, the scientist who engineered the firefly cells, they got their name because they grow brighter and brighter if they are working. These stem cells are currently being used to help heal hearts. They are very helpful because the doctor doesn't have to cut open the chest to monitor the activity. Instead you can tell how the cells are working by using a special light. Overall Firefly stem cells could help save many lives and be an important part of stem cell research.
In a way this connects with what we are studying in class. The scientists who developed firefly stem cells combined many chemicals to make them glow brighter under a light without harming the patient. Firefly stem cell could have a very important roll in modern science. If this works, then more people's lives will be saved because stem cells could help heal organs. Scientists still don't know why stem cells morph into organs, but because of this new technology they can now watch the firefly cells in action so they can better understand how they work. Overall firefly stem cells could help save many lives.
This article was written by the University of Central Florida so the information is valid. While the article is very interesting it still leaves you with a few questions. How do they monitor the stem cell without cutting the person open? Are they able to see through their skin or do they have to use a MRI or X-ray? Also it is very possible this new discovery could have some side affects, but so far they have not shown. Could Firefly stem cells also be used to heal diseases or other organs? Overall Firefly stem cells are a new technology that is still being developed and studied.
I chose this article because I find stem cells to be very interesting and could help save many live. One day stem cells could help sick patients grow a new organ, repair damaged tissues, or even grow a new joint. I agree with the authors, I think Firefly stem cell could be a major discovery and make it possible to monitor and study the effect stem cells have on human beings. Overall, firefly stem cells could help increase our understanding of stem cells and be an important advancement in the medical industry.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article! The firefly stem cells seem quite useful. If they can heal hearts without cutting open the chest, I bet they can do and find much more information about patients that can help heal other organs. I agree with you, they can help save many lives and may help sick patients grow a new organ.
    Great details!
