Sunday, October 3, 2010

Atoms Video
Overall I found this video very informative. Atoms don't orbit around the nucleus, they have orbitals. This means that electrons can be found anywhere in an atom and there is just the probability of where electrons can be. Atoms can have diffrent shapes depending on the number of electrons and the charge of an electron is stronger the further away it is from the nucleus. One thing I found shocking is the fact that 99.99% of atoms are just free vacuum space. This means that even solids aren't completely solid since only 0.01% of atoms take up space. Also in an atom the number of protons can change, but it will still remain the same element. These are called isotopes, which are diffrent variations of an element. The atomic weight is the average weight of the isotopes. Also, one proton or neutron is equel to 1 atomic mass unit (AMU) which is used to measure the atomic weight. One proton is equel to 1836 electrons. In conclusion this video was very interesting and had a lot of important information.

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